Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How Long Before Colyte

A good New Year .. We Will Be With You Again ..

All is quiet on New Years Day,
A world in white gets Underway
And I Want To Be With You,
Be with you night and day.
Nothing changes on new years day.
I will be with you again.
I will be with you again.

Under a blood-red sky A crowd has
Gathered in black and white.
Arms entwined, the chosen few,
Newspapers say, it says its true.
And we can break through,
Though torn in two we can be one.
I will begin again, I will begin again.
Oh and maybe the time is right,
Oh maybe tonight.
I will be with you again.
I will be with you again.

And so we are told this is the golden age
And gold is the reason for the wars we wage.
Though I want to be with you,
To be with you night and day.
Nothing changes on new years day.

Un 2009 davvero SPECIALE.. che il Buon Senso sia sempre con Voi!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Commercial Rabbit Cage

gingerbread cookies .. or Biscottino!

Esperimento natalizio.. This year I will try to create my gingerbread man!!

Recipe from

♥ ♥ Enjoy it

Preparation and cooking time: 20 min
more 'cooking for 10 min each pan and the time for decoration (as well as' rest' s dough) Ingredients

(about 40 cookies about 10 x 8 cm )

00 420 g flour 100 g sugar 120 g soft butter

160 ml molasses

1 large egg 3 /
4 teaspoon baking soda 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 / 4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 / 4 teaspoon ground cloves

for decoration
200 g icing sugar 1 egg white

food coloring Mix the flour with the spices, baking soda and salt .
the butter and sugar until mixture is puffy and fluffy. Add egg and molasses continuing to work. Add the flour mixture a bit 'at a time. This will give a very soft dough (like a shortbread).
Divide the dough into two parts, wrap each with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours (even better prepared the day before). Preheat

the oven to 180 degrees.
Take a piece of dough from refrigerator at a time. With a rolling pin roll out a sheet of 4-5 mm thickness and cut with cookie cutters. Hopefully, with a stick, drill a small hole for passing the wire to hang the cookies on the Christmas tree.
The hole must be quite large because 'the cooking will tend' to close.
place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, a bit 'spaced.
Bake for about 10 minutes. The biscuits are cooked when they are no longer 'too soft and the edges tend to darken.

Remove from the oven immediately and let them cool on the plate for a couple of minutes. When they are hardened enough to handle them, make them cool on a wire rack.

Once cool decorate as desired with icing .

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Low Hemoglobobin Levels What Does It Mean

Merry Christmas!

The forecast for the Christmas season includes:
For WEDNESDAY ': the Northeast is being targeted by cold extraction un'avvenzione continental materialize from the evening wearing clouds on foothills and piedmont , moving from Veneto to Friuli, the sunny Alps Mists on locally persistent low Veneto. Evening temperatures falling in the mountains. Light variable winds or ONO in plain, reinforced by NE during the night.

for Christmas: an impulse to leave us cold morning, arrive later in the afternoon leading to clouds with larger variability on the foothills of the Alps, where there will be snow in late afternoon and evening up on the plain. More sun on the northern Alps. From the night cheers from Friuli and Veneto coast. Moderate Bora in the evening. Temporary increase in maximum temperatures in the plains, then a marked decline in the evening.

for Santo Stefano: the impulse entered the cold night away to the west, leaving the northeast facing clear bora. Clear skies but cold weather anywhere.

Some tips for the weekend:
- Christmas Eve at Covolo in Velo Veronese (VR) with a torchlight procession and Holy Mass from 22.00 on 24/12
- Christmas Eve and Bonfire in Cerro Veronese (VR) 24/12
- cross country race for men and women in Asiago (VI) on 24/12
- Christmas in Este (PD)
various events - Christmas Concert at Selva di Cadore (BL) 25/12 for the info:
- Great Collectibles Fair in Grisignano di Zocco (VI) 25 and 26/12
- Christmas Day in Selva Progno of (VR)
- Nativity Living and Traditional Trades Alpone in Monteforte (VR) 26/12
- From Nadal in Santo Stefano in Dolce (VR) 26/12
- Nativity in Rotzo (VI) on 26/12
- Nativity in Codiverno Vigonza (PD) on 25/12
- Nativity Water in Adria (RO) from 24/12

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How Much Is 1mb In Phone

Lights controversy over the new pill RU486

December 14, 2008 The controversy comes on the new pill RU486

"The next administration of the RU486 pill in Italy imposes a duty to properly inform all Italian women who intend to use." Youth Minister Giorgia Meloni, intervenes in the debate regarding the use of abortion pill in Italy, something which was harshly criticized by Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, president of the Vatican department for pastoral care.

Meloni Minister stressed that this is "a drug potentially dangerous to their health (women, ed), whose sale has been authorized by the agency under a pharmaceutical acceptable cost-effective if its use is consistent with Law 194 and that it provided only in hospitals. This means that it is considered more dangerous this drug is not the technique normally used for abortions, but abortion is always. "

Along the same lines the Member from the PDL, Isabella Bertolini, who speaks of 'kill pill' and recalled that "those who really care about the health of Italian women who can not be opposed to the introduction of RU486.
Meanwhile, Guido Rasi, Director General of AIFA, the Italian Drug Agency, has announced that by December 19 the Board of the Agency will examine the issue RU486. Encounter could leave the green light to the drug, whose administration is expected to occur in the hospital. The Government has clarified Eugenia Roccella, Welfare Undersecretary, can not prevent the introduction of the pill, which - remember Roccella - was authorized by the Scientific and Technical Committee AIFA during the Prodi government.

"We are disappointed dall'incomprensibile government inaction against RU486. After seven months, not only the executive has not been able to prevent the introduction of the abortion pill but also the suspension of 40 guidelines on the law and new regulations for a more correct implementation of the 194 have remained a dead letter "said Congressman UDC Luke Williams.

December 14, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Slimquick Vs Hydroxycut

just think 'if he took it ....

one of the most delicious scenes of this weekend!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Obssesion With John Holmes

but how much snow is coming!?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Guys Shower Situation

long weekend, please!

Happy weekend to all, we are going to Torino!

The forecast for the weekend includes:
For Saturday: cloudy after transit system the day before the time is a significant improvement, mainly on the plains where we await a day of good weather with sunshine more and more decided. Alps or partly cloudy with little tendency to a further increase in cloudiness South Tyrolean border, for a system in buttressing North Atlantic that may cause an occasional snow in the morning and afternoon at very low altitude. Mists and low clouds in the early morning on the plains. Slight decrease in minimum temperatures, especially in light upward. Weak winds north-western sea with reinforcements.

For Sunday: Triveneto remains exposed to an average flow north. Residue clouds huddled Confinale Alps, especially South Tyrolean, and in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon to a higher total brightening in the evening. Sunny on the plains and foothills unless some mist or fog bank. Temperatures without significant changes to the ground, a fall in the share minimum. Weak to moderate among more Ventilation ONO, N.

For MONDAY ': favor current North stable and sunny weather throughout the Triveneto, with a few harmless thickening on Confinale alpine areas. In the evening, new washes come from the west. Temperatures without changes important. Light to moderate northerly locally.

Some tips for the weekend:
- Sanbricciolino 2008 with oil at Palio S. Briccio di Lavagno (VR)
Saturday - Feast of the Patron in Bardolino (VR) Saturday
- winter party at the Disco Music in Malcesine (VR) on Saturday x info:
- Concert Christmas in Verona Sunday x info:
- Motobabbo 2008 in Mirano (VE)
- Almond Festival in Cologne Veneta (VR)
- Exemption of Oil and Palio dei Sapori St. Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR)
- 28th Exhibition of Ancient Corgnoi in Crespadoro (VI) on Sunday
- Tastes of High Street to St Biagio Callalta (TV)
- Christmas at the Castle of Thiene (VI)
- Christmas Market avacion Veronese (VR)
- Feast of St. Lucia Lazise (VR)
- Christmas Market in Sarcedo (VI) on Sunday
- At Christmas 2008 is the most Mestre Mestre (VE)
- Christmas in Cittadella (PD) from Saturday
- Christmas at the Fort Wohlgemuth Loc Castello Rivoli Veronese (VR)
- Christmas Market in Milan, Viale Vicenza (VI)
- Nuremberg Christmas market in Piazza Dante, Verona
- Sternne Christmas gift Christmas show at the fair in Rovigo
- Market Christmas in the center of Belluno
- Nativity in Art and Tradition shows inside the Arena di Verona
- The Magic of Christmas in downtown Schio (VI) Saturday
- 4th Day of Sweetness c / o the sugar factory in Largo Via Cav. Vittorio Veneto Pontelongo (PD)

- Antique Market to:
- Badoere Morgano (TV) Sunday
- Brugine (PD) on Sunday
- Marostica (VI) on Sunday
- Povegliano Veronese (VR) Sunday
- Thiene (VI) on Sunday

Monday, December 1, 2008

Labda African Dance Skirt

ABORTION: Vatican, and 'modern barbarism ASK THAT BECOME LAW UNIVERSAL

ABORTION: Vatican, and 'modern barbarism ASK THAT BECOME LAW UNIVERSAL
Last Updated: 01 December at 14:36 \u200b\u200b
Citta' del Vaticano, December 1 (Adnkronos) - It 's a modern barbarism ask that abortion will become a universal human right man. And 'as said Msgr. Celestino Migliore on the discussion which will 'call the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, to add abortion to the universal human rights. The request by a group of pro-abortion organizations,''and 'sad and outrageous - told French Catholic news agency I-Media Mgr. Migliore, the Holy See's observer at the United Nations - 'cause this initiative works in favor of dismantling the system of human rights, as it leads us to rearrange the wording and the protection around no more' to rights, but a personal choice ' '.
Represents''- he added - the introduction of the homo homini lupus, man becomes a wolf to his fellow man.'' ''That 's the modern barbarism that, from the inside - he said the Vatican representative - leads us to dismantle our society'. There are counter-motivated, convinced and determined that we must support and encourage.''


Euro MPs shock: Abortion-rights

Written by Administrator Monday, September 8 2008
is that it indicates a controversial joint resolution approved yesterday by the European Parliament with 394 votes in favor and 182 against. The text refers to the fifth of eight Millennium Development Goals, established by the UN in 2000 to eradicate by 2015, poverty, disease and underdevelopment in the world. The document, presented by socialist groups, greens, communists and liberal view of the Assembly of the UN World Conference on 25 September next, asking among other things, investments in health infrastructure, training of medical personnel in Africa and Asia, "the training of women" in key preventive. The resolution, contested by the People's Party, whose members mostly voted against or abstained, was amended in the classroom with the approval of certain amendments: one of these states the need for a wider use of contraception by using condoms to avoid " diseases and unwanted pregnancies "and another amendment, however, refer to" the possibility of abortion safe and legal "to combat maternal mortality in countries poor.
"It's another push toward the abortion of the European Parliament - said to Mario Mauro Vice-President of the Future - but this is a pronouncement that will have no practical impact, as it has no legal basis. It is a "hope" by the so-called deployment ultraprogressista that alienates people even more wary of Europe insensitive to the defense of life. "
adverse opinion on the resolution was expressed by Bishop Giuseppe Merisi, representative of the CEI in Comece, an organization that brings together the bishops of the EU: "Despite some positive elements - says Merisi - the text contains other very negative, like that of the reference abortion presented as right. Unfortunately, on issues of defense of life as those of the family and on others there is a widespread awareness, as this is also seen in the European Parliament, which favors the rights of individual freedom against and beyond the great values \u200b\u200bof life and human dignity. We need more commitment - is the invitation of Monsignor Merisi - to raise awareness on these issues and institutions essential. " (RE)
Future September 5, 2008