Monday, February 23, 2009

Planning A Church Anniversity

the queen was saved ...

joke None of the brothers Gallagher Saturday to Treviso. Only
decibels and rhythm of fear, beginning at 9 split with "Fuck in the bushes" and Liam rude gesture to the tune of "Tonight I'm a rock n roll star" (for the occasion sang> I'm a fuckin tonight STAA bastard rock n roll!)

Delirio for 1 hour and 45 ', then waved and disappeared, all we wanted other 2 songs (no "Live Forever" and bow to Lennon) but on " Wonderwall "and" Do not Look Back in Anger "came down Palaverde ...

Thanks brothers for the evening, the climate hooligans who breathed and because after all it's nice to feel "Outta Time."

the record

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Glory Holes Near Riverside Ca

RU486, about 4 thousand abortions since 2005

EU - ITALY RU486, about 4 thousand abortions since 2005

February 19, 2009

The final go-ahead for the marketing in Italy of the abortion pill RU486 still there ', but now the days seem close . In fact, the process proceeds by the Agency for the Evaluation of the drug (AIFA) but in the meantime the RU486 in our country already are using ', albeit through a special procedure. About 4,000, since 2005, doctors performed abortions are in fact just using that drug. A release of data to use the abortion pill, pending approval by the sale by the AIFA, and 'was the hospital gynecologist Silvio Viale S. Anna di Torino, 'Father' of the first trial on RU486. The occasion for this first budget, the National Conference of the Association gynecologists consultoriali (Agic) underway in Rome. Just today, while gynecologists from all over Italy also stressed the need for our country approves 'finally' the marketing of RU486, the representatives of the Exelgyn (manufacturer of the abortion pill), AIFA have just met with officials, has Viale announced. And later 'was the same agency, with a statement specifying that' the continuous process of evaluation of Ru 486 'and that' the drug 'was examined today by the Pricing and Reimbursement Committee AIFA as required by the evaluation procedures necessary for the registration of drugs'. At this point, Street said, 'the process for the marketing of RU486 in Italy through the European mutual recognition procedure, and' straight '. It is hoped 'that the time is short, also because' 'if Italy were to delay or even block the arrival of RU486 on the market - Viale said - you should be at European and, albeit belatedly, would arrive in each case, the authorization to market '. Meanwhile, Viale announced the first results of using the abortion pill, prompting harsh criticism of the exponent of the Northern League Massimo Polledri: 'They are alarming figures - said - that should make us think'.
- DAL 2005 MADE abortion with RU486 pill 4000: About 4000 abortions performed in Italy using the abortion pill. In 2008, the RU486 and 'was used by 25 Italian centers through an import procedure in each case. Viale monitored in particular the experience of eight centers that have used the abortion pill for a total of 1,778 responses from abortion. More 'than satisfactory, according to the gynecologist, the results recorded: only 5.5% of patients still had to resort to surgery later. As for symptoms, 23% blamed pain, nausea 13%, 5% for diarrhea and 0.07% were needed transfusions. The regions where the pill and 'have been used Piedmont, Tuscany and Trento, E. Romagna, Marche, Puglia and Lombardy.
- More than 10,000 abortion pill IMPORTED: 10,154 pills are imported RU486 in Italy since 2005, when the first trial and 'was launched at St. Anna di Torino. RU486 and the 'already been' recorded in most European countries and the USA. The registration process and 'instead of being considered for Italy, Portugal, Hungary.
- VIALE, safe method: With the filing of the investigation to conduct experiments with RU486 Sant'Anna Hospital, Viale said, 'and' dropped the last wall, the lawyer, who assumed the incompatibility 'of 'use of abortion pill with the law on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy 194. The method and 'effective and safe'.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mother Made Me Wear Girdle

dream ... California

crisi_2 palle_non there is talk of altro_quando end? _the Days lengthen a too po'_fa freddo_andiamo to ski on Saturday? _hai Feisbuc seen on ...

here is tough but

California dream