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ABORTED WASHINGTON - The Obama revolution begins to break down the first pillar Bush era. Within hours of taking office, the Democratic president is about to sign the release of federal funds to international groups that promote or perform abortions. The measure had already been announced in the program Obama as one of the first measures to be implemented. Current legislation prevents the U.S. taxpayers' money - usually through the channel of the Agency for International Development - is used for the benefit of family planning organizations that provide abortion or operations do work for information, advice and addressing structures that carry out abortions. Also known as the "Global Gag Rule" or "Mexico City Policy" was introduced for the first time since the Reagan presidency (during a UN conference in Mexico City in 1984) and then withdrawn and reintroduced by successive Democratic administrations and Republic. Bill Clinton had revoked in 1993, but had come back as one of the first acts of George W. Bush at his first entrance to the White House in 2001. Obama has chosen to sign the measure into an occasion for "low profile" - tells the Associated Press - the day after the 36th anniversary was celebrated yesterday, the famous Roe v. Wade in which the Supreme Court legalized abortion. The measure is not a surprise, since both Obama and Hillary Clinton Secretary of State, which oversees international aid, had introduced one of their promises during the election campaign. But in the first hours of his presidency so far, so Barack Obama has chosen to reverse the Bush policies but also on shared topics enough, as the need to close the prison camp in Guantanamo or to more transparent public documents. The anti-abortion organizations have unleashed and the bishops said they were "very concerned about Obama's strong support for the right to abortion." The microphones of Radio Vatican, the bishop of Orlando, Bishop Thomas Wenski Gerard, said that "the bishops are committed to getting people to contact representatives in Congress to oppose any legislative initiative aimed at extending the right to abortion."
( January 23, 2009)
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