Thursday, March 5, 2009

Portable Indoor Booth Shower


When walking through the woods

are not the leaves that move

but it is our hands that we seek.

When the dew wets blossoms and stems of flowers blooming

not only your tears will not touch the wet so great mystery.

Your talk, your noise, your not anything

make you close your senses. You

anesthetized with tears

the yearning of our unborn children.

Look Mom and Dad that I started to love

still in the early seconds of my life.

you look at the ages but for the Lord and his dear Mama

Virgin of Guadalupe already in those early moments

have seen a child who knows Jesus' love alive.

Why do not you love me?

Because I have deleted from a project of life?

Why do not you want the caresses of my hands, and

the beat of my heart to walk with you?

Because the wise men of the earth and know how to recognize and defend

the right to life from the first moment?

me dear father and dear mother so much like the shepherds of the nativity scene, the last


the forgotten

because in their hearts feel the heartbeat of God

Why do not you see me?

Why does my brother ... do not smile they see the face of God?

Show me your face, Lord.

Your face from me Lord.

I'm not in that child that you wanted

I'm in that face is not recognized by your laws

I have those eyes closed but opened the eyes of God

I'm in those hands ready to receive and give love

I'm in that first formed

I'm there impalpable small, defenseless

that we consume away in a moment of pain,

because you kill me with white coats soon.

I will rejoice with you and see you.

I try to run away, but I can not Mom, I can not

Dad, I can not doctor

I'm crying I'm crying mother

Dad I'm crying I'm screaming

doctor or insensitive hearts

I ... I ... I ...

still a bit 'of pain,

even a few tears and then pour,

those children that child will be embraced, narrow, consulates

and live in the heavenly Jerusalem.

and baby Jesus will say to them:

"martyrs of love you too come ..

Even I had not been accepted ... I

Even today, Love is not loved ...

I refused.

Please Come


We love

Your child

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