Monday, October 12, 2009

Letter Of Contribution To Church

Bagnasco: crack civilization

RU486, Bagnasco: crack civilization AIFA: "Punished any use out of the 194"
The abortion pill RU486 is "a crack in our civilization." The President of the CEI, Angelo Bagnasco, renewed criticism of the abortion pill that had the green light by the drug. In an interview with Future Bagnasco criticized the "culture of individualism" that led to the pill. Meanwhile, the chairman of AIFA, Guido Rasi, announced that "any use of the abortion pill out of Act 194 will be illegal."

After the all clear from the controversy surrounding the marketing of the abortion pill RU486 in Italy, opens a new battleground: the one on the way for the use of the drug. One aspect on which the Welfare Undersecretary Eugenia Roccella wanted to clarify: "The day hospital treatment is ruled out - he said - will be need for hospitalization of at least three days."

Clarification comes to the director general of AIFA, Guido Rasi: "Any use of the abortion pill out of Act 194 will be illegal," says, announcing the availability of the drug in September.

But the issue is far from resolved, as demonstrated by the hard positions taken by that, three days after the approval of the abortion pill by the Italian Drug Agency (AIFA), coming from the bishops' newspaper, Avvenire . "I felt sadness, sadness, worry. This decision - cardilale Bagnasco said in an interview shown on the front page - is a descent of civilization for our country. "

According Bagnasco," you can not say that civilization grow "when" life in integrates its dignity is not recognized, but further offense. "And those who say that the RU486 offers a choice for abortion in most, the head of the CEI contends that" the criterion of free choice is apparently good, humane, respectful " while "on closer inspection, the discourse of freedom to choose what you prefer says only the right of the fittest".

The cardinal Driving the CEI goes on to note that "the new rules certainly have an abortion increases a mentality that increasingly leads to regard abortion as a contraceptive, which the law 194 in its first part, absolutely excluded."


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