Amicizia |
Il valore delle • cose che non è il tempo dura, ma con cui l'intensité verificano itself. Così ci sleep Momenti indimenticabili, cose persone inspiegabili and incomparability.
Bellezza |
• The value of things is not the time it lasts, but the intensity with which they occur. Thus there are unforgettable moments, inexplicable things and incomparable people.
Allegria |
Passione |
• The value of things is not the time lasts, but the intensity with which they occur. Thus there are unforgettable moments, inexplicable things and incomparable people.
Seduzione |
• Aika will kestaa arvo asiat ole, mutta kiihkeys, ne syntyvat Jolla. Nain on unohtumattomia hetkia, selittamattomia asioita vailla ihmisia ja.
Saggezza |
• The value of these things is not a long time, but the intensity which they occur. So, there are khoảnh khắc không thể nào quên, những điều không thể giải thích và người không hai.
Stupore |
• the value of things is not the time it lasts, but the intensity with which they occur. And thus هناك لحظات لا تنسى, وأشياء لا يمكن تفسيره, والناس لا تضاهى.
Fernando Pessoa
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