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The new abortion law in Spain

The new abortion law in Spain
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 16:43

CR n.1152 of 24/07/2010

In Spain, in the midst of a very serious economic and social crisis, the Socialist government of leader Luis Zapatero has dealt the country a further devastating blow to the civilization of life. From July 5 is the entry into force of new legislation on abortion reform, which de facto makes the practice a trivial dissolved completely from any obligation of ethics and morality of respect for the person.

The 1985 law decriminalizing abortion in Spain, making it a law that until then was a crime, provided the authorization only in cases malformation of the fetus, serious mental or physical health of the mother, rape. These few qualms of conscience in the legislature have been swept away by the reform Zapatero, who is raising a strong show of shields around the country, including the Socialist Party, because of obvious aggression in the mold of radical eugenics and morality that the law presents.

We see the key points succinctly. Under the new law raises the threshold, up to 14 weeks, by which she will be absolutely free to choose the removal of the fetus. In the case of fetal malformation, abortion will be possible until the 22 th week. Indeed, in defiance of a reasonable margin of error of clinical diagnostics, the law provides that - if his incurable disease diagnosed or 'incompatible with the life of the fetus' - will be removed any limit to abortion. But the point even more worrisome - for the collapse of each bond of solidarity and public law - is the fact that the minor was sixteen years old, are allowed to have abortions freely, without the need of the binding opinion of the parents, but behind a mere statement of the same: in other words, if on the one hand the civil law considers the minor lacks the legal capacity to act for the mere purchase of an asset or a normal transaction sheet - just as minor - conversely it considers it has full power to act where the suppression of a human life. The brutal aggression of the pillars of the reform of the legal protection of persons has led to an uprising of public opinion on various levels.

the Popular Party in Parliament has already raised an objection of unconstitutionality of the law and it is hoped his possible suspension on a precautionary basis: in fact the English Constitutional Court ruling of 1985 had already set a precedent by saying that the life of the unborn (sic) is a constitutionally protected legal right in Article .50 of the Constitution, Magna Carta English. The liberalization del'aborto up to 22 weeks leaves little the baby on her lap without protection, at the mercy of the absolute freedom of the mother.

At the regional level - as Spain is a country like Italy has introduced a strong legislative and administrative autonomy to the Generalitat (regional, ed) - Navarre has already appealed against the constitutional reform Zapatero.

A different level of health organizations representing doctors criticize the government the unbearable weight of responsibility that they wish to take, namely the decision to remove the fetus, instead of their parents or in the presence of severe malformations that affect their lives.

Finally, the Declaration of Principles of the reform Zapatero that abortion falls within the fundamental human rights, legal open a serious weak point in the Western system, and once again nullifying a question that too many legislators and political scientists - and unfortunately also in the Catholic world - faced with obvious discomfort, if not reluctance: the strong assertion and clear the necessary relationship between the normative and moral in the secular state.


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