Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hor Dourves For January

Italian Prosecco

"comes from the hills from which it spreads the subtle spell upon all those who seek him
in the warm spring days, when its perfume
of flowers, the scent of honey
wild caught mixes with the hundred,
with many perfumes of flowers which then flooded the banks
. A glass of Prosecco, the beautiful straw-
Scric of color with some pearl gas
which takes place in the glass,
is a pleasure,
is enjoying the simple pleasures that we still
to tear the concerns of everyday life.
This should be a white
an invitation to drink, a little humanity at our disposal. "

old mill in the Territory of Cartizze

Prosecco before a wine is a varietal and as such can be grown anywhere in the world, with results that can not be compared with those of ConeglianoValdobbiadene where this grape reigns Prince at least 300 years .
Prosecco is a grape of ancient origin even before the colonization of the Romans, which occurred about 200 years before Christ, even if he lives among our hills for hundreds of years.

in 100 BC had been in centuriazione the territory of the Veneto region around Treviso Treviso, Oderzo, Conegliano, Asolo Ceneda and Romans and the settlers had planted in the hill that is in plain screws. Some Latin poets passing in this area bear testimony that already more than 2000 years ago ConeglianoValdobbiadene was cultivated in the hills of the screw. The poet Virgil (70-19 BC) of transition between these lands says

"Adspice, ut, autrum silvestris very rare Sparsit lambrusca recemis" "looks like the wild grape, the Lambrusco, he was here and there cave with its clusters. A few years later the poet can sing instead: "Lentae textunt umbracula Vites" screws flexible weave light shadows. "

"Plinio" perhaps the greatest scholar of the imperial Roman Pucino describes as one of the great wines that the laden tables of the Romans and dignitaries who had the gift to extend the lives of its consumers.

Farm "the Pria
Some writers believe the Pucino derived from a white wine grape variety from Friuli, the" Glera ", which is grown today in those areas where there is a country which is called just "Prosecco". Only later came the prosecco hills between Valdobbiadene and Conegliano

is not known when and how the ancestor of Prosecco has come to the land Conegliano - Valdobbiadene, but this date may be fixed in the last decades of the life of the Republic of Venice, in 1750. Prosecco has become with the passage of time the most famous Italian sparkling wine, as well as being absolute prince of the Veneto hills.

Il Vino dei Poeti Prosecco Jeroboam

The merits of having initiated the modern history of Prosecco go Giulio Conte Marco Balbi Valier over the years upcoming in 1850 had isolated and selected a clone of Prosecco better than others, still identified as Prosecco Balbi.

. He is born in these years the modern adventure of a wine in a century that has conquered the world thanks to the expertise of growers, winemakers and institutions that have managed to bring out the best.

should be reminded of the School of Viticulture and Enology of Conegliano founded in 1876 as a successor to the Wine Society of Treviso.

Setting the Wine School of Conegliano is not limited to university-type forward most advanced wine culture, but educating students in the field research. This sector is a winner, the creation of new experimental vineyards to breed new varieties, and describe the modernization of production equipment and technologies to fight diseases and improve trade opportunities.

Vineyards di Valdobbiadene (Veneto)

This school has been the driving force for the development not only of wine but the entire ConeglianoValdobbiadene Italian viticulture. Students come out of this school have gone into the most important Italian and foreign such as South Africa, California and Australia.

method of production.

The base wine is made for thorough fermentation in white, to almost total collapse of the original natural sugar (a trace of sugar works to preserve the fruit), after the wine is subjected to the cold winter that left him stripped of tartrates and cause the clarification.

In spring the wine yeasts are added, able to ferment under pressure and quite low temperatures, and sugar in quantities to produce, and its subsequent fermentation, the desired pressure. At the end of The sugar fermentation is desired to ensure friendliness. Is used for bottling the classic Prosecco, green in color, which protects the wine from light. The bottles are then placed in the dark cellar, where they rest at constant temperature and humidity, thus allowing the wine to mature.


Roman women, which were generally quite liberal, could not quite taste the fruits of Bacchus as this "right" was reserved only to the stronger sex that had been made thirty years of age . Woe to the matron who had been drinking secretly as if kissed by a spouse, was discovered and punished severely for his transgression.

There were clearly exceptions: Julia Augusta (Augustus' wife Livia after which argued that because the wine had reached 86 years)

In Romans generally preferred to dilute the wine rather than drink it pure and this is because in general they are different that the cups were empty, usually stay for a bit 'plainer the diluted wine with water no matter how hot or cold water (this choice was dictated by individual taste but most people preferred to drink it cold). Clearly the most sought-after wine (as is still today) was then aged and stronger than alcohol.

However, wine was often manipulated by adding ingredients that are not always "food." The result of such tampering had headaches, stomach pain, dizziness etc. It was thought that the addition of these substances contribute to better preserve the wine.
Among the best known examples are the wines Opimius, the Greek, the famous Falerno Memertino the Sicilian, the wine of Lesbos to Chios, the Cecubo the Maroneo (the latter is so strong that it must be diluted more others). We can therefore say that the circle of wine was not very large compared to the current. Clearly, someone who could afford to drink the wine because the villains were the patricians were content to drink water rather than being poor.


Britain, the conquest of Italian prosecco Harrods

An Italian victory that heralds a change of taste.
Prosecco " Bisol " enters the Wine Shop and experts declared: "We are entering the decade of Prosecco
Farewell old stereotypes. The sparkling wine of Italy is no longer the poor relation of champagne, but a top quality drink.

It is clear example of Prosecco Bisol , produced by di Valdobbiadene (Treviso, Veneto). From November 8, bottles of Bisol cross the Channel to get to London. In the capital of Britain, this champagne will go to Harrods. The famous department stores have decided that Bisol will one of the five pillars of the Wine Shop, the only non-French wine along with the four historic champagne. In fact, excellence will share the limelight with di Valdobbiadene Moet & Chandon, Veuve Clicquot, Tattinger, Pommery.

Antica Cantina Bisol

Gianluca Bisol

The Bisol winery is located in the heart of ' Altamarca Treviso and of the production of Prosecco Doc 65 acres of property (including three in the prestigious area of \u200b\u200bCartizze) in 16 estates managed by the family all Bisol.


will be held in Perugia, the International Wine Conference 2012 Turisme

will be the host city of Perugia, including a full year, The fourth edition of the International Conference on Tourism of the wine. With this excellent result is returned, Sunday, Feb. 6, at the conclusion of the edition of Porto (Portugal) the delegation of the Movimento Turismo del Vino. Business opportunity and encounters between operators, comparing experiences in the various producing countries participants, as well as visits to wineries and wine tastings, the Conference was an important moment of reflection and analysis on international dell'Enoturismo sector which saw around 173 delegates from over 30 different countries, including Argentina, Austria, Brazil , Croatia, Latvia, India and South Africa, 45 tour operators and travel agencies specializing in food and wine tourism (+ 30% compared to 2010) and well 326 journalists, bloggers and industry experts from across Europe and the United States.

"The award to the organization of the next edition of the International Wine Tourism Conference and Workshop confirms what the movement is considered a point of reference for the wine tourism in Italy. Our staff is already working to implement the 2012 edition in Umbria, in Perugia, central and focal point considered to represent the entire national territory, in collaboration with and support of local institutions and stakeholders. It will be a unique opportunity to make known the territory of our region, its wine production in the first place but also all other resources, food, natural, environmental, historical and artistic. "

Source: various assembled by the author.


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